Minimalist wardrobe

My wardrobe use to be a nightmare. Full of clothes and accessories I never used. Most of the things didn’t even match and some were uncomfortable and didn’t know where to wear them. I decided to declutter all and create basic wardrobe with neutral colour pallet. Made a decision on colour palette and keep it …

Waste free

My goal is to go as less as possible of using plastic and recycle any other waste. Not going to lie, it’s pretty challenging during pandemic. Since it started, almost every product were wrapped in plastic in shops. Was disappointed as I decided to go plastic free just before pandemic. Now we have to do …

Minimalist lifestyle

Living space full of clutter can be overwhelming. Used to be for me, so I decided for a change. Here is what I follow to make changes for easier life and have more freedom. Food should be planned ahead. Planning recipes before you go for your weekly grocery shopping, will save you money and time. …


Finally after a long, long pause, I have a courage to get up and start doing something to improve myself and my lifestyle. Last year was quiet messy, on and off with work. Then at times I worked too much and barely had time to spend with loved ones. I don’t want to make this …

…a little bit of positive thinking…

If you can and want to change things in your life, do it. But things that you’re not able to change, learn to let go. Let go of people who are holding you down. If you consider them, you already know who these people are. Sing along to your favourite song and dance as you …