Living space full of clutter can be overwhelming. Used to be for me, so I decided for a change. Here is what I follow to make changes for easier life and have more freedom.

  1. Food should be planned ahead. Planning recipes before you go for your weekly grocery shopping, will save you money and time.
  2. Clothing reduced to very basic needs, helps you to save time on deciding what wear and doing laundry too.
  3. All the clutter in the house can be greatly reduced and just stick to very few and simple decorations. No need to spend time and energy on organising things and dusting them too often.
  4. I personally, prefer less furniture. Home feels more free and open and so much easier to maintain everything.
  5. Families with kids, can save so much money on toys. Get some toys on birthdays or Christmas for example. One or two is plenty. Kids love to be involved in daily lives, like cooking, building, gardening, etc. Kids need more activities than some toys the play for few minutes and throw in the corner after 5 minutes.
  6. Bills can be reduced too, use only what is really necessary for your daily needs. These days there are so many options. I’ve switched electricity to prepay, so I can control and I don’t receive monthly surprise bill. I did the same for Internet and phone. Found great deals.
  7. Debt should be avoided too, unless it benefits you, rather than going bankrupt.
  8. Public transport can be a lot cheaper than owning a car. If it’s possible to travel by public bus or train, I’d highly recommend. Or a bicycle, fitness benefit.
  9. Reading books can be done online or good old style like library. I used to buy books, but then they took too much space and so much dust. It simply didn’t work for me.

People do get attached to things and it’s really hard to let go. I am one of them, but I’m working on it and so far successfully. One step at a time to make it as your new lifestyle and stick to it. You need to be mentally prepared for this rather than just straight to the point. As long as you have a plan, it’s easy done.

Great option is to go through all your stuff you don’t use too often and put them in the boxes away from sight. And when you ready you can sell them or donate. It works for me.

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