Finally after a long, long pause, I have a courage to get up and start doing something to improve myself and my lifestyle. Last year was quiet messy, on and off with work. Then at times I worked too much and barely had time to spend with loved ones. I don’t want to make this same mistake again, so I’m fully focused on creating better life my family. We have a life what we need, now we just need to create life what we want. I’ve created a list, which I follow to improve my mindset and my lifestyle. I hope this helps anyone else as it will for me.

1.Read a book every day – used to love reading… deeply regretting quitting on books. I adore fantasy books. It definitely helps you to escape everyday troubles and helps you to relax and brings you joy. I’m not a writer, but I’m hoping one day to write a fantasy book myself.

2.Learn a new language – I’ve started to learn French. My biggest motivation is my close friend in France. Hoping to go visit her and her family soon. French is a beautiful language in my opinion, but not so easy either, as it turns out.

3.Have a weekly exercise routine – I’m not going to lie, I’ve been quiet lazy last few months. These lockdowns stopped everything in our lives. It’s a great opportunity to use this time to get going, for body and mind.

4.Set a 5-year goal and list the steps to achieve it – I’m yet to make a list on what I’d like to achieve in 5 years. Once I’ve made a list, I’ll share it and what will take it to achieve it and my progress.

5.Quit a bad habit each week – Bad habits…one step at a time. My main bad habit is being lazy. Fully losing motivation and leaving everything half-way done. Time to change that.

6.Avoid negative people – I’ve learnt enough in my past. I should use my past experiences how to avoid certain people or certain situations. I’m still learning.

7.Stop watching TV – Once I caught myself, while watching a TV-show, thinking how every channel have so much drama and negativity. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I don’t own a TV anymore, and not planning to own one anytime soon. Time to time, I watch some important news to know hat’s going on. But trying to stay away from any type of drama.

8.Let go of the past – I still need to learn to do this. I’m getting there. I really need to learn tips and tricks how to stay in present and look forward to future.

9.Pick up a new hobby – I used to love photography, no it’s time to get out my dusty camera out and put in use once again. I adore so many arts and artists. I’s time to create a stuff for myself too. Would be encouraging for my eldest too, as he have artsy side too. Gardening – I love nature. I absolutely adore it.

10.Learn to deal with difficult people – This would apply for my workplace, as it’s mainly my job anyways. It is a very useful skill, as it would make your life easier in multiple occasions.

11.Try to identify your flaws – Would count them as bad habits.

12.Watch educational shows – Once a day, about anything you are interested in or you need.

13.Learn stuff online – Internet is such great tool to learn anything for free.

14.Stay in touch with loved ones – Very important part of life. At times, I forget too. But I’ll do better job for maintaining relationships with my lovelies.

15.Choose your friends wisely – Many come and go, only few stay. I’m learning still too, which ones are the ones good for my soul.

16.Get rid of toxic people – I’ve done, I’ve got rid of many. Now I just need to maintain strong mindset, that I don’t let any toxic person in my life again.

17.Find a mentor – I need to find one or two. My usual way is to learn from everyone and everything, and then I’m all over the place and can’t put anything together.

18.Start that business – I’ve been thinking about starting a business from home. Haven’t had a courage, and couldn’t find exactly what would that be. I have millions ideas. Time to start. I have to start with one of my hobbies.

19.Plan your day and week – I find it hard to stay focused on scheduled day or even a week. I really need to work on it and stick to routine.

20.Make a plan for your life – Time is precious, time is so short. Have to make realistic plans for the future, but can’t forget to live in present.

21.Practice gratitude – I need to pay better attention to details, to create those positive things in life.

22.Drink less alcohol – At times you could get carried away at some fun party with friends. Set your limit and stick to it. It’s best to be at control, than experience something you deeply regret.

23.Don’t worry about opinions – I am still learning that. I still care, that is a huge downfall. But I will figure out the trick of that. Once you learn, you are so powerful and confident.

24.Eat healthier – I’ve started to eat healthier, but I still got that sweet tooth at times. I’ve got learn some healthy homemade snacks to keep my cravings settled.

25.Learn to cook – I’m a person who loves to eat rather than to cook. But I’m not a bad cook. Our menu needs to be refreshed, that would be a great opportunity to learn some new recipes.

26.Sleep and wake up earlier – I badly need to work on this. I’m an owl, but maybe I could change it once I have changed my routine.

27.Travel more – Just before pandemic, I was ready to explore the world. Once it start going back to normal, I hope to be part of my future plans. While then I will make bucket list where and what I would like to go an do. Can’t wait.

28.Save your money – I’ve learnt how to save up. Now I’m trying to understand investing. Would love to learn how to make money work for me.

29.Love yourself – By pampering yourself, Bringing yourself on dates. As well as I have to stop self negative talk. One negative talk about yourself can destroy your whole day for sure, if not longer.

30.Listen to podcasts – While doing something, like a hobby or cooking, just put on the podcast of a topic you’d like to hear. Very easy.

31.Don’t fear alone time – Alone time is perfect time to be yourself and whatever you want and recharge your batteries. it’s great to focus on your needs etc.

32.Don’t expect immediate results – It is sometimes hard, and want to done and sorted. But I got to learn to enjoy the process.

33.Don’t worry about pleasing everyone – I use to be worse than I am now. I’ve learned to say NO, but sometimes I get soft and they get their way. Practice makes perfect. Got to learn where and when to say NO.

34.Don’t waste time feeling for yourself – Feeling sorry for yourself, will get you nowhere for sure.

35.Don’t waste energy on things you can’t control – I’m so guilty at this one. At some times I’m like a control freak. I’m still learning how to deal with situations where I have no control over and take it easier.

36.Don’t let others influence your emotions – One of my weaknesses, I do get influenced by certain people and situations. I’ve realised that, so it’s a first step to get it under control.

37.Be happy for others – I’m genially excited for other people’s success and happiness. I think I need to learn to give better compliments. Sometimes my communication are lacking skills.

38.Allow yourself to make mistakes – Mistakes are good, you learn from them. I’ve learnt loads from mine. And I’m sure there’s more to come.

39.Listen to your deeper self – I really do need to practice this. I’d saved so much hustle by just following my instincts.

40.Accept as your are – Just need to improve lifestyle and mindset. It’s not easy at times, but step by step can learn to embrace yourself.

41.Say yes to new opportunities – This one I do really need to get to learn. Sometimes I can’t get out of my comfort zone for new opportunities.

42.Give more – I love giving more than receiving, but then I need to learn the balance of all that.

43.Meditate – Well needed. First I need to create a perfect space for me to do it. It would be important for me. Somewhere out to connect with nature.

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