A list of 10 things that make me really happy.

It’s a lot more than 10 things for sure. I’m a pretty open minded human being ☺️. But alright, will stick to top 10, for now.

  1. My children… There’s no doubt they will be on my top on the list. Raising your kidos as a single parent isn’t easy, as you may know. But I love to look at them and realise that I’ve done something right… Because they are loving and caring. The happiness and energy they have when they see you after a long day at school or myself coming home from work. My heart overflowing with love 😍.
  2. My achievements… Things I’ve accomplished on my own, with hard work and tears and self doubt. Still doing and exploring things I want in my life, will never stop…work, education, hobbies, relationships etc.
  3. Food… I love food, I could eat anything. I’m very open minded, would try new things I never eat before. Unlike my kidos 😂🙄
  4. Gardening… I Love flowers and trees and all about nature. My dream is to have a house with a huge garden… Fingers crossed🤞 .. Maybe one day…
  5. Pets, all kinds of animals…. They are the best… Simple as that ❤️
  6. Art… I’m actually good at it… I should go back to it full time… And I love other people’s art and ideas and totally support it… Just imagine, how world would be without art 🙄.
  7. Photography… This I should do full time too….landscapes, people, pets etc… Just catching the moments…
  8. Travel… Well… I haven’t been outside country in a while or been many places, but we have louds of countries on our bucket list…. For now we go places around Ireland, so much to explore… So far my favourite Co. Wicklow..
  9. Spontaneous ideas… You have to agree with that that it’s the best way to create your memorable experiences.. Even though it’s something small.. So far so good for me 🙃.
  10. Kind and loving and smart open minded people… Very very very few people I’ve met my entire life…like rare diamonds 💎.

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